The Emerging Religious Left
My letter to the editor on the emerging religious left was published in the Rocky Mountain News yesterday. Unfortunately, they don't seem to have printed my affiliation with the Coalition for Secular Government. Here it is, as printed:
Democrats falling prey to religious influence
Diana Hsieh, Sedalia
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
The First Amendment of the Constitution upholds freedom of religion as absolute. In the words of Thomas Jefferson, it builds "a wall of separation between church and state."
For the past 30 years, that wall has been under attack from the religious right via "intelligent design," "faith-based initiatives" and now Colorado's own "definition of a person" amendment.
Alarmingly, Democrats are jumping on the faith-powered bandwagon. A powerful religious left is emerging within the Democratic Party, determined to entangle politics and religion. The ideal espoused by John F. Kennedy that the religious views of a politician should be "his own private affair" is dying.
Democrats, religious or not, must speak out for freedom of religion. If they don't, their party will soon be in the iron grip of savvy Christian evangelicals, just like today's Republican Party.
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