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can only be secured by a state strictly separated from religion

10 October 2012

Politics Corrupts Money


Dirty MoneyIn this blog post for The Objective Standard, Ari Armstrong explains that money doesn't corrupt politics, as advocates of campaign finance laws claim. Instead, politics corrupts money: "Although the source of money is virtuous because it is production, money is corrupted when it is used to buy political favors." Indeed, and such political favors can only be bought in a mixed economy in which some people's rights may be violated for the right price.

So if you think that campaign finance laws can keep politics pure, think again... and go read the whole post!

Be sure to consider what he says about Colorado's Amendment 65:

Amendment 65 is a futile attempt by the left to solve the problems created by leftist policies. As I argued in my debate with Gordon, the censorship of political speech that Amendment 65 advocates will not solve the problem of influence peddling; it will only make that problem worse. As I pointed out, under Amendment 65, the proposed censorship laws would themselves be crafted by the influence peddlers.

Demanding that the foxes guard the henhouse is not wise politics: it's a power-grab by the foxes and their allies in the henhouse.

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