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23 January 2013

Veto Power over Abortion: Philosophy in Action Podcast


On Sunday's Philosophy in Action Radio, I answered a question on veto power over abortion. The question was:

Should a man be able to prevent his pregnant girlfriend from aborting his baby? Sometimes, a man will get his girlfriend pregnant accidentally, and they disagree about what should be done. If the man wants the woman to carry the pregnancy to term, whether to give up the baby for adoption or him take sole custody, while the woman wants to get an abortion, should he be able to prevent her? It's his baby, shouldn't he have some say?
My Answer, In Brief: The right to abortion is not based on any property right in the fetus. Rather, the right to abortion is based on a woman's right to her own body, including the fact that the embryo or fetus is not a person. The man might object, but he has no moral or legal right to interfere.

Download or Listen to My Full Answer:

Tags: Abortion, Children, Ethics, Fatherhood, Pregnancy, Rights Relevant Links:
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A podcast of the full episode – where I also answered questions on solutions to widespread racism, recommended works of Aristotle, staying in a marriage, and more – is available here: Episode of 20 January 2013.

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