Eric Daniels on Why Small Government Isn't the Answer: Philosophy in Action Podcast
On Wednesday's Philosophy in Action Radio, I interviewed historian Eric Daniels about "Why Small Government Isn't the Answer." It's not directly related to the cause of secular government, but it's useful to anyone interested in political activism for individual rights. The podcast of that episode is now available for streaming or downloading. You'll find it on the episode's archive page, as well as below.
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Is "big government" the fundamental problem of American politics? Historian Eric Daniels will explain why this common formulation is misleading, wrong, and even dangerous to liberty.
Dr. Eric Daniels teaches history and works on curriculum development at the LePort Schools in Irvine, California. He has previously taught at Clemson, Georgetown, and Duke Universities. He has a Ph.D. in American History from the University of Wisconsin.
Listen or Download:
- Duration: 1:15:05
- Download: Standard MP3 File (25.8 MB)
- The problem with "big government" versus "small government"
- The proper debate: individual rights
- The two axes of size versus rights
- Big government like judicial activism
- Three categories of government action
- Violating rights versus failing to protect rights
- The Founders' view: not size but the proper ends of government
- The failure of the Articles of Confederation
- 19th century rights violations
- The rights of women
- Violations of rights by local governments, particularly based on race
- The real-life effects of failing to protect rights
- Judges riding the circuit, too small criminal justice system
- Measuring the size of government
- Measuring the growth of government
- The problem of the inessential
- Skewing the political debate toward anarchism
- The appeal to Somalia
- The terms "limited government" and "minarchism"
- Advice for activists
- Eric's new job at LePort Schools
- The Objective Standard: Why "Big Government" is Not the Problem by Eric Daniels
- Vices of the Political System of the United States by James Madison
- lePort Schools
- Activism, America, Anarchism, Crime, Culture, Epistemology, Government, History, Law, Libertarianism, Politics, Racism, Rights, Self-Defense, Sexism
About Philosophy in Action Radio
Philosophy in Action Radio applies rational principles to the challenges of real life in live internet radio shows on Sunday mornings and Wednesday evenings. For information on upcoming shows, visit the Episodes on Tap. For podcasts of past shows, visit the Show Archives.
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